Montag, 24. Mai 2010


Sorry. that i haven't written till forever.
I was pretty busy the entire year.
i have so much to tell , I'm almost exploding (:

Lately I'm listening often to the amazing bands All time low, forever the sickest kids , PHOENIX :]] which are my favorite bands at the moment, they just make my mood cheer up.
.. i really wanna go to a rock festival like rock am ring , but i also heard in wisconsin will be a big one, where a good friend of mine is going to. I will post some more info's but that later, cuz i forgot the name of it right now.
Yesterday from watching Hit and run, ( the movie is pretty bad) but i like the song - float on written by modest mouse. It has a good beat to it.

Since my year is almost over, I'm getting more and more confused about everything.
On one hand I'm scared about the change, to be back, to never see people that i met here ever again. I'm soooo happy, that i decided to make an exchange year.
I'm not kidding it was the best experience I've ever had.
I met so many lovely people that I'm going to visit again ! :]]
I saw so many places, i had so many "first times" for so many things.

Of course can nothing be perfect. I mean only some are really lucky , but of course , me , a more clumsy person, has never that luck.
I was really lucky about my friends and school and family though.
Just some conflicts and problems made the life here complicated.

I looove the stores here, like wetseal, forever 21, charlotte russe, hollister, abercrombie and fitch. oh jeez i will miss it !!

but especially aerie and victoria's secret.. , i wont survive anymore with H&m and hunkemoeller underwear.
I might, look around to find a triumph, because it is supposed to be very similar to victoria's secret.

Oh well, i have regionals for track today.
I actually wanted to go to the Senior trip , which was going to be at Cedar point, something like Heide park soltau but waaaaaayyy better. :(
I might try to convince Cruz and tera to drive with me to it next week on wednesday.
The problem is .. it is 4 hours away -.- !
In compare to the others already arrived in the fun adventure park, and staying in line to get on the diverse rollercoasters, and waterrides ( it is even though hot and good weather outside , which makes it even worse) .. i have to sit in class in video production and do nothin really.

My group is all gone, .. Morgan and Lina .. which are seniors as well. :/// mmh. !
Maybe i should research more , for my big papers in psychology and government,
they are due friday and I'm not even close to be done !!
Already decided not to sleep this week. :]]
Bigby coffee and a lot of chocolate tries to keep me awake.
Of course a tiny bit of effort as well ;)
But I look relaxxed into my sleepless nights. The topics i chose are really interesting, which make my work less hard.

I'm more worried about everything else, .. leaving soon,packing, getting suitcase, getting some more gifts and even worse to get ready for saying GOODBYE.

I mean there is a good side, i come home, and can see my lovely friends and family.
Another good thing , two of my very good friends live soo close.
Giang and miriam :]]
Which makes me veryy happy.
They both leave in Niedersachsen, just like me.
Also Arne another person i got to know at the New York trip ( not the first one)
lives in Bremen. Pretty close. ..
I'm just really to leave, its part of my life now.
Even though its not at beautiful as maybe one of my friends , rebecca, area.
She lives in Australia, melbourne. .. Not comparable of course.
When i look at her pictures that she posts i just think woow! this is like a dream.
That couldn't be true , where she lives.
I always thought australia looks like that,.. but that because of Ki.ka - The sleepover club. :P
I was watching that when i was younger. And just looks exactly like where she lives.
She's one of the lucky persons, entire different lifestyle. different animals,people ,and area. aand climate. (:
But even though I'm just in michigan.
I wouldn't wanted to trade.
I love it here. It is also an entire different lifestyle as well.
But more like a parallel universe.
It sounds weird. but sometimes i have the feeling I'm in germany, just a lil different here.
Sometimes i imagine the people in TV or around me talk german.
This might be, because i speak fluent english now.
I love the nature here. I'm not a very nature, country kinda person, a more city girl.
But it just amazes me to look around me.
The simplest things can be the best.

To have the experience for myself is a gift. Nobody can take the memories I've left from the journey. .. It actually motivates me to travel way more. When I'm older I'm going to travel a lot.
I didn't realize what a great feeling it is to experience this new, not knowing.
I wanna go to australia,south america, asia, wanna see more of africa and europe and north america. ..
I really learned a lot, i don't even know from where it comes from.
But I'm really like have the effort now.
I have the feeling , I want to be good, and i know now with a lot of hard work, a little bit talent, you can do it.
And its true. YOU CAN DO IT !
woow, das es mich ein jahr hier gekostet hat das rauszubekommen , lol.
I want to be a model.
I will try to be one now.
.. But i also wanna study on a good unversity literature, politics, international business, history.
Because i like the idea of being a diplomat as well.

Aber wie auch immer , jetz hab ich government .. und das is auch nich anders...
sitzen im IC ( information center.. ) aaand guess what doin nothin , ha !

Ich vermisse meine Freunde so sehr. :(
Ich freue mich schon sehr darauf wieder zu hause zu sein, und mit meinen Freundinnen Sommer zu geniessen.
Das heisst shoppen,party, travelin und einfach nur beisammen sein.

Nur mega doof, das meine beste Freundin Hong Anh nach Vietnam faehrt. Die ganzen Ferien ueber. :( .. sie wird leider nich da sein, wenn ich sechzehn werde. :(
was ich sehr sehr schade finde.
Aber ich hoffe sie wird sehr viel spass haben , Hanoi is bestimmt eine super schoene Stadt.
Und ich erwarte viele tolle Bilder zu sehen, wenn sie wieder zu hause ist. :]]

Uuugh. Langweile, wie ich es hasse. ..
Manche moegen es ja einfach nur stumpf zu hause rumzusitzen ,., seriously???
Ich kann sowas nur sehr schwer fuer eine laengere zeit tun.
Ich liebe es auszugehen und etwas neues zu entdecken..
Warum zu hause rumsitzen, wenn so vieles draussen auf dich wartet entdecken zu werden?!
So is das wie ich es sehe.

Is etwas das ihr wissen moechtet? :]
dann fragt einfach.!

xoxo. Julia. :]]